Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm Going Back!

On the 12th of next month, just 35 days away, I will leave to return to E. Africa.  I'm very excited to go.  Now that I know what to expect, I think I'm more nervous than before.  It's a difficult trip.  Amazing and incredible.  I. Can't. Wait.

On my last team there were 22 of us.  This time there are only 8.  That means there will be FAR fewer pieces of luggage carrying donations this time.  That makes me kind of sad.  A really great part of my last trip was the way we were able to bless SO many with literally over 1000 pounds of really awesome stuff to help meet some of their physical needs. 

This time, just like the last, I myself will be packing nearly (if not more) 75 pounds of donations.  I need your help BADLY to get those together.  I have a list of specific things that I will post below of things I'd really like to take.  If you would like to help, I would greatly appreciate it.  So will the children.

Most of these things can be picked up at the dollar store or at Walmart for just a few dollars.  Your 'just a few dollars' can REALLY make a difference.  Seriously.

Things I need to take:

  • Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, Pens, Markers  (I already have spiral notebooks, glue and crayons)
  • Children's Pain Reliever (chewable and liquid), Triple Antibiotic Ointment (simple and saves lives), Hydro cortisone Cream, Toothpaste
  • Flip-flops (all sizes)
  • Deflated Soccer and Kickballs, Ball Pump/Needle, BALLOONS!, Jump Ropes, Sidewalk Chalk, Bubbles
If you are able to pick up any of these items, let me know!  I'll come get them from you.  Get your children/grandchildren involved.  Show them pictures of these children that they are helping.  It's an important lesson to learn!

Thank you so much for your help!!

Love you all,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sometimes when God wants people on the ground in E. Africa loving on His children, He has a BOGO sale.

I don't know how to write the story God gave me today (I guess I should say yesterday as it is well past midnight.)  I know that is a crazy title to this post, but God actually did that today.

This morning I opened an email from the executive director of Visiting Orphans that said there were only 4 members on our October Uganda/Kenya team and they just can't send less than 8.  Actually, she said they don't normally send less than 8 but if 6 had signed up she would send us.  It wasn't looking like that was going to happen, so the trip had to be cancelled and maybe moved to November to see if more people might sign up for that trip.

I had been afraid this might happen since finding out a couple of weeks ago that there were so few of us signed up for this trip.  I wasn't shocked.  I knew that God wasn't shocked either, and so I was fine with the decision.  I know that God has ALL of this.  His plans are ALWAYS better than mine, and I will go back to Uganda and Kenya when He wants me to.  But... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the teensiest bit disappointed.

The thing is, these October dates are just perfect for my work schedule.  Literally shifted one day either way, and I wouldn't have been able to work it out to go.  I didn't think that there would be any dates in November that would work out quite like these October dates did.  I was resigned to either go in December/January (which I  cannot imagine that's a good idea because I just thought it was hot in July there and that was winter) or wait until June 2012 (and I can't imagine that waiting that long is a good idea!)

This evening Doneva and I (well mostly Doneva) did a little presentation at the church where she works for a little group about our trip.  It was wonderful!  It's getting a little easier to share the stories.  Doneva told the group that I was returning in October.  I hadn't mentioned the email to her yet.  When anyone asked me about going back in October, I said "I hope to!" every time.  :-)  I wasn't being untruthful (for any of you reading here that were there.)  :-)  I was still hoping even though I knew it wouldn't be October... most likely.

When I got home tonight, I opened my computer to find another email from the executive director of Visiting Orphans.  This second email said that she had just received a call from their travel agent and that Ethiopian Airlines was having a buy-one-get-one-free sale for the dates of our trip.  The cost of my October trip just went down $1000.  Today.  The same day it was cancelled because the cost of sending just a few was too high.  This new lower price will likely allow for some others to join us on this trip, but either way Visiting Orphans can afford to send us because of this BOGO sale.

A BOGO sale that God undeniably put into place so that I may go love on His children.  In October.  I don't know why I'm surprised.  I totally expected God to arrange it all so that He may be glorified.  I totally expected Him to send me to Uganda and Kenya in His time instead of my own.

What I did NOT expect..... was a BOGO sale to make it happen.

I LOVE how our God works.  Don't you?

Would YOU like to take a trip with me?  I know that a $2500 trip is easier to make happen than a $3700 trip.  Take advantage of this and come with me!!  Go to and sign up for the October 12-24, 2011 Uganda/Kenya trip!

I cannot wait to get back to these kids!