Sunday, July 31, 2011

Amani Baby Cottage

In Jinja (Uganda), we spent an afternoon at Amani Baby Cottage.  The children are 3 years old and younger here.  This was a happy place.  It was clean.  Everyone looked well fed.  The little ones loved having us there.  

It was also sad.  There are way too many children and too few adults to love on them.  They are doing a great job with what they have.  We took them LOTS of donations of formula (they told us this is their biggest struggle) and clothes and other baby items.

Being in this room took me right back to the room in a Russian orphanage where MY baby spent her first months.  That was hard.

Look at all those diapers!

These are the bunk beds that the toddlers sleep in.  I can't imagine letting a toddler sleep up that high, but they do it.

These are pictures of the babies that are dancing with Jesus.  Most of them died due to complications with HIV.

THESE are pictures of the little ones that have been adopted into forever families!

Sweet girl.  Her name is Precious.  Precious she was!!

I LOVE me some baby toes!

Happy baby.

He took my necklaces off  my neck and put them on his.

Such a sweet girl.

This little ham has a family coming to adopt her from the States.  I think they had already been there to visit her once.  She was a laugh a minute!

This guy decided he wanted to wear one of our team members back pack.  It was a little heavy for him, but he wore it for awhile.

These 3 stuck pretty close together.

Silly Frank.

 Sweet babies eating dinner.

This tiny little one is SIX months old.  He wasn't big as a minute.  I couldn't believe he was six months old.  One of the ladies there told me that he has grown so much.  I can't imagine what kind of shape he was in when he got there.

This is one of the ladies that cares for the children.  They had plenty of paper-bead necklaces they had made to show off and sell.  Gorgeous.

Such a sweet afternoon.

Friday, July 29, 2011

No Time To Write

I have a few posts rolling around in my head, but I've been working too much to sit down and write.  I'll have some more of the story here soon!

And because I just love this girl, here's me and Ruth again.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pictures From Fiwagoh

AMAZING young man.  13 year old preacher!

Part of the gardens where they are able to grow a lot of their food.

A panoramic view.

We gathered outside to teach the kids some songs.


Sweet Jane in the pink coat.

I saw many Astros shirts over there.  Africans don't know what baseball is.

Gathering in their dining hall for more songs and bible stories/crafts.

 My aunt Doneva and her girls.

Flamingos on the lake.

They all flew away at once when the children charged them.  Hilarious.

The kids said they sometimes come down here to swim.  The lake is fed by hot spring, so the water is very warm.  I thought about bringing a bar of soap down here.  The water at the orphanage was FREEZING!

Me and my little buddy, Jane.

I love the trees.

Gathering right before we trekked into the forest.  Their leader was telling them how the older kids (seniors they call them) needed to grab the hand of a little (juniors they call them) to make sure no one got lost.

This cow didn't like me.

Doneva and her girls.

There's a monkey in this picture.  Can you find him?

We crossed a little creek.

My three little friends.  So precious.

Whew!  That was a long walk!

Another beautiful picture of the compound with the lake in the background.

I want to go back.