Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pictures From Fiwagoh

AMAZING young man.  13 year old preacher!

Part of the gardens where they are able to grow a lot of their food.

A panoramic view.

We gathered outside to teach the kids some songs.


Sweet Jane in the pink coat.

I saw many Astros shirts over there.  Africans don't know what baseball is.

Gathering in their dining hall for more songs and bible stories/crafts.

 My aunt Doneva and her girls.

Flamingos on the lake.

They all flew away at once when the children charged them.  Hilarious.

The kids said they sometimes come down here to swim.  The lake is fed by hot spring, so the water is very warm.  I thought about bringing a bar of soap down here.  The water at the orphanage was FREEZING!

Me and my little buddy, Jane.

I love the trees.

Gathering right before we trekked into the forest.  Their leader was telling them how the older kids (seniors they call them) needed to grab the hand of a little (juniors they call them) to make sure no one got lost.

This cow didn't like me.

Doneva and her girls.

There's a monkey in this picture.  Can you find him?

We crossed a little creek.

My three little friends.  So precious.

Whew!  That was a long walk!

Another beautiful picture of the compound with the lake in the background.

I want to go back.

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